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United States Politics

AOC, Ted Cruz Slam Robinhood for Freezing Some Trades Amid GameStop Volatility ( 154

With Reddit's interest in sending some stocks soaring showing no sign of slowing down, the trading app Robinhood started restricting some transactions Thursday morning. Reddit wasn't happy -- and neither are some lawmakers. From a report:The incident apparently struck an unusual bipartisan chord, with Texas Republican Ted Cruz throwing his weight behind progressive Democrats who called out the company. Rep. Rashida Tlaib called Robinhood's decision "beyond absurd" and suggested that the House Financial Services Committee hold a hearing on what she deemed "market manipulation" from the personal finance startup. "They're blocking the ability to trade to protect Wall St. hedge funds, stealing millions of dollars from their users to protect people who've used the stock market as a casino for decades," Tlaib said. Her colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- a member of that committee -- chimed in with support for a hearing on Robinhood, calling the situation an "unacceptable" step to prevent retail investors from trading. Seeing Cruz and Ocasio-Cortez line up on anything right now is unusual, to put it mildly. Silicon Valley Rep. Ro Khanna also flagged Robinhood's decision to stop some trades, slamming the startup for freezing out small investors while powerful hedge funds scramble to get control of the situation.
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AOC, Ted Cruz Slam Robinhood for Freezing Some Trades Amid GameStop Volatility

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  • FUBAR (Score:5, Informative)

    by Tough Love ( 215404 ) on Thursday January 28, 2021 @05:02PM (#61002902)

    When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side of the table you know things are seriously fucked up.

    • Perhaps. I had always heard that if both sides are pissed off with your decision you must have done something right.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Not everything is partisan, some things are just bad.

      • Not everything is partisan, some things are just bad.

        My general rule is if politicians on opposite sides agree for opposite reasons, they're usually wrong, but if politicians on opposite sides agree for the same reasons they're often right.

    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 )

      When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side of the table you know things are seriously fucked up.

      Ted is only ever on his own side... In this case, AOC asked him to fick off, from 'You almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago': AOC rejects Ted Cruz's support for her criticism of Robinhood []

      But Ocasio-Cortez, a leading voice in the House progressive coalition, rejected Cruz's endorsement and called for his resignation because of his complicity in the election disinformation that inspired the siege on the Capitol on January 6.

      "I am happy to work with Republicans on this issue where there's common ground, but you almost had me murdered 3 weeks ago so you can sit this one out," she tweeted. "Happy to work w/ almost any other GOP that aren't trying to get me killed. In the meantime if you want to help, you can resign."

      She added: "You haven't even apologized for the serious physical + mental harm you contributed to from Capitol Police & custodial workers to your own fellow members of Congress.

      "In the meantime, you can get off my timeline & stop clout-chasing," Ocasio-Cortez said. "Thanks. Happy to work with other GOP on this."

      Cruz was one of seven Republican senators who voted against the certification of electoral votes after the siege, and he backed President Donald Trump's campaign to overturn the election result.

      Sens. Ted Crus and Josh Hawley aren't going to have a fun year ... Personally, I think Ted should be forced to go back to the Mirror Universe, but without his beard.

    • Dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria? What next? Human sacrifice?
      • ... mass hysteria? What next? Human sacrifice?

        We had that mass hysteria on Jan 6th 2021.
        Not really sure about human sacrifice, but know that Ted Cruz eats three meals a day, so ... probably?


      • What next?

        Cruz burns his white grievance card and runs out the clock as a democrat. AOC attends his birthday party.

    • Congratulations on the unusually good FP, though I would have modded it Funny. The resulting threads seemed beneath your opening move.

      I actually wanted to root for the small guy, but when I went to the GameStop website to see if they have any games I want to buy, all I got was an Access Denied. Actually managed to get a deeper link to the Website from their Twitter page, but still couldn't figure out what they are selling or even if they might be interested in selling something new that I want to buy. (I've

    • They are doing nothing but making it look like they care.
    • When AOC and Ted Cruz are on the same side of the table you know things are seriously fucked up.

      Or what they're both saying is stupid and wrong... which is pretty normal for both of them. Ideological differences aside, they both tend to say a lot of dumb things.

      Which is the case here. Robinhood made a sensible decision to limit their risk in an unusual situation. See: []

      • Right, my point. Thanks for clarifying.

        You have to wonder about the average age behind those thousands and thousands of reddit and twitter posts all subscribing to the theory that if the mob is doing it then it must be right. Kinda reminds me of a capitol storming mere weeks ago.

        • So a group of people who notice that short sellers have (a) shortsold more shares than exist and (b) have to buy have decided to make money off the short sellers by acquiring what they are mandated to buy is TOTALLY the same as storming the capital to overturn an election because you don't like the result.

          Because there are lots of people involved on the internet.


          • The common element is a sense of mission, allowing them to justify doing something illegal. I grant you, the Capitol invasion vastly trumps the market manipulation in terms of sheer evil. But both are illegal activities engaged in by a mob all the same. It's a study in human nature: just how does a mob convince itself that wrong is right?

            • The common element is a sense of mission, allowing them to justify doing something illegal.

              Is what they're doing illegal? It's not pump and dump... noticing someone is massively overexposed on a short then trying to buy as many as you can with a hope to turn a profit... there's no misrepresentation going on here so it's not really market manipulation. No more than HFT, and probably not legally so.

              Also it's a risky path to plough from "X and Y have thing in common so X reminds me of Y", because it has no en

    • When I agree with both AOC and Ted Cruz at the same time they are agreeing with each other. Hell, has officially froze over.

  • Serious question. If I go to robinhood and ask them 'turn off the buy button for this stock' or 'turn off the sell button for that stock', how much would it cost me to get them to do it?

    • probably cheap, on par with the slip fees for a yacht.

      It’s one banana, Michael. What could it cost, $10?

    • by Lisandro ( 799651 ) on Thursday January 28, 2021 @05:16PM (#61002986)

      Serious question. If I go to robinhood and ask them 'turn off the buy button for this stock' or 'turn off the sell button for that stock', how much would it cost me to get them to do it?

      Well, the real question here is why they would do that. At first glance, it makes no sense for Robinhood to stop trading GME stock, as they don't do any brokerage themselves. They're effectively turning down good profit in the middle of a stock bubble craze.

      The thing is, Robinhood relies on Citadel for all brokerage operations. Which likely means they got a phonecall telling them to stop trading GME as it's hurting their hedge fund operations. So yeah, AOC, Warren and (gasp!) Cruz are 100% correct in wanting to investigate this issue further - that's textbook stock market manipulation.

  • The game I win is the final one, all the ones before that where you win are just practice.

  • I thought the SEC was fully within their rights to crack down on any large groups of people/investors planning to do pump and dump scams on any stock? Isn't a freeze on these stocks a fairly sane "CYA" for Robin Hood and other brokers that the groups might be heavily favoring?

    • by jrumney ( 197329 )

      The SEC, yes. But outside of the Robinhood app, these stocks are still tradable. This is not an SEC trading freeze, retail investors using a specific platform have been frozen out to limit the liability of hedge funds who have been shorting stocks to make a profit from a declining retail sector.

    • by Wycliffe ( 116160 ) on Thursday January 28, 2021 @05:36PM (#61003080) Homepage

      It isn't pump and dump. It's buy and HODL (Hold On for Dear Life). They don't plan on dumping. They want to hold the stock so that the short sellers can't buy them back except at an inflated price if at all. The goal isn't to profit but rather to screw the hedge funds. The reason they chose gamestop is because even before this started, there were more shares shorted than actively being traded.

      • by Motard ( 1553251 )

        I found myself wondering if holding GME might become equivalent to Bitcoin. If enough people just decide that there's value in the trading symbol in and of itself, and the nature of exchange on which it's traded provides the necessary controls, what really is the difference between that and a virtual currency?

        • by s4080326 ( 5462622 ) on Thursday January 28, 2021 @09:38PM (#61004090)

          I found myself wondering if holding GME might become equivalent to Bitcoin. If enough people just decide that there's value in the trading symbol in and of itself, and the nature of exchange on which it's traded provides the necessary controls, what really is the difference between that and a virtual currency?

          The problem with this is that GME shareholders can vote more shares into existence, the whole thing with Bitcoin is the supply is limited through the "mining" costs associated with generating new Bitcoin.

          • by Motard ( 1553251 )

            Yeah, but would they though? That doesn't seem likely.

            • Yeah, but would they though? That doesn't seem likely.

              If I was Game Stop, I definitely would. There are 69M shares outstanding which were worth a total of 300M before this bubble. At $300 a share, they could sell 1M shares and have more money than the entire company was worth a few months ago while only diluting their shares by 1/70 or 1.5%.

              • by Zxern ( 766543 )

                They can't just create more shares, they have to compensate current shareholder if they did, and it wouldn't solve the problem the hedge funds have anyway.

                • 1. No, that's wrong. There is no payment to existing shareholders when new shares issue.

                  2. when a company issues more stock, it takes in the same amount of cash. The existing shareholders benefit from the bigger company.

                  3. In this case, existing shareholders would benefit *massively* from GameStop issuing new shares at existing prices. Currently, the underlying business is worth something like $20 a share. Whatever it is, it's well under $100. If new shares issue at several times that value, cash paid

          • the whole thing with Bitcoin is the supply is limited through the "mining" costs associated with generating new Bitcoin.

            The supply of Bitcoin is determined by the emission schedule, which is fixed and doesn't depend on anything.

    • by mysidia ( 191772 )

      I thought the SEC was fully within their rights to crack down on any large groups of people/investors planning to do pump and dump scams on any stock?

      The SEC is within their rights - If they determine that it is such a scam and that the action is appropriate, And the actions taken by the SEC to halt trading would apply to Everyone most likely - Not excluding the hedge funds and allowing them to continue their actions in attempt to push the price down.

      Isn't a freeze on these stocks a fairly sane "CYA" fo

      • by hawk ( 1151 )

        this morning, it came out that two of the leading proponents of this stock on the reddit were the same person.

        His socks *claimed* that GameStop was undervalued. He worked for a financial services company.

        One person doing this, pretending to be two and riling up a crowd, *could* be consistent with a pump-n-dump, but could also be consistent with both a belief that it's undervalued, and a recognition that the ridiculous level of short position locks in an absolute need for them to buy shares (but in both c

        • by mysidia ( 191772 )

          this morning, it came out that two of the leading proponents of this stock on the reddit were the same person. His socks *claimed* that GameStop was undervalued. He worked for a financial services company.

          Well, if that's what happened, then the use of additional accounts to create the deception of multiple people plugging it is bound to NOT end well for that person once the SEC has a few months to investigate, Well at least if that person or their company was positioned in stock when they were plugging

    • While the SEC may have jurisdiction they were stripped of staff and authority during the Trump administration.

    • The people pumping up the value are technically the short sellers. The people buying in are just taking advantage of an existing situation.

  • You couldn't even search for anything for ~1/2hr because there were so many people on the platform this morning.

  • Considering Robinhood's size, how is it preventing the buying, but allowing the selling, as well as closing out positions, not market manipulation?

    I say this as someone who has severe doubts about Gamestop's stock value - to me, without looking that closely, the rapid increase in gains seems to be pure hype. But that being said, RH should not prevent its users from making foolish decisions.

    • I say this as someone who has severe doubts about Gamestop's stock value

      Well it does, after a fashion: it has value because people need to buy it (short sellers). The fact that someone needs something is effectively what imbues it with value.

  • With Microtransactions, easy trading via app and social media driven reality warping, trading is about to become even more disconnected than it already is. When you're average bricklayer can use his lunch money to do some trading in his break or commute and turn this game into a regular mobile one like clash of clans, we have yet another nail in the coffin of last centuries capitalism. Add in post-scarcity economy and capitalism is in for a big shift in function and impact, just as Marx, Keynes and many oth

A computer scientist is someone who fixes things that aren't broken.
