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Trump Calls For Russia To Cyber-Invade the United States To Find Clinton's 'Missing' Emails ( 1017

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump publicly called on the Russian hackers allegedly responsible for the recent leak of DNC emails to launch another cyber-attack on the United States, this time to hack emails from Hillary Clinton's tenure as secretary of State, according to reporters who attended the press conference Wednesday. (Alternate source: NYTimes, Quartz, and MotherJones) "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you're able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing," Trump said. "I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press."

Clinton came under investigation for her use of a personal email address while serving as secretary of state. After turning over to the FBI all correspondence about government business during her years in the State Department, Clinton revealed at a press conference last year that she had deleted about half of her emails that pertained to personal matters, like her daughter's wedding. Attorney General Loretta Lynch ultimately decided not to pursue criminal charges against Clinton. Update: Here's a video of Trump saying that.
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Trump Calls For Russia To Cyber-Invade the United States To Find Clinton's 'Missing' Emails

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  • irs statements (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @12:44PM (#52590589)

    should hacked also to obtain trump irs statements

  • Why not? (Score:4, Funny)

    by Kohath ( 38547 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @12:46PM (#52590615)

    How else are we going to find out what people in our government are doing? Wait for the press to tell us?

    If you want the press to uncover -- instead of helping cover up -- what the government is doing, you should support Trump for President. The press will actually investigate and report on a Trump Administration.

  • Joke ? (Score:4, Informative)

    by ardmhacha ( 192482 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @12:47PM (#52590637)

    I am not in any way a Trump supporter but is it not more likely that he was making a joke trying to tie the DNC email issue with the Clinton personal email server issue?

    • Re:Joke ? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by MightyMartian ( 840721 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @12:51PM (#52590717) Journal

      Trump makes a lot of absurd comments. Can someone explain to me how you filter them in to "Serious Proposals" and "Jokes"?

      • If he opens his mouth to speak, or types into twitter or an email, it's garbage, the same as it was in his sad little mind...

      • Re:Joke ? (Score:5, Insightful)

        by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:28PM (#52591169) Homepage

        This is one of the most dangerous things about Trump. He says a ton of things. His supporters filter out the things they don't like and just say "Oh, he was joking. He doesn't really believe that." You can pick and choose from Trump's statements and pretty much build your ideal candidate no matter what your political views if you're right of center. However, the stuff that gets ignored as "That's just Trump being Trump" isn't throwaway material. It's a pattern of reckless speech at best and advocating some really scary proposals at worst.

        • Re:Joke ? (Score:4, Insightful)

          by ScentCone ( 795499 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @02:37PM (#52592133)
          As opposed to waiting six months at a time for Clinton to even hold a press conference (it's been that long - that's how scared she is of her own supporting media) and then knowing, based on years of examples, that quite a bit of what she says are bald-faced lies? And, you're not scared of HER scary proposals? She's gleefully in favor of infringing on constitutionally protected rights, supports nationally self-destructive immigration policies, and wants to see the government involved in wildly more private sector activities, at both the business and personal level. She also "says a ton of things," but because it's done in that focus-group-tuned, calculating Clinton way, it's actually a lot more sinister.
  • Trump Trolling (Score:5, Insightful)

    by quantaman ( 517394 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @12:52PM (#52590729)

    This is just Trump using his standard campaign tactic, if your opponent is getting a good media cycle (ie the DNC generating good speeches and endorsements) then say something crazy and outrageous to take all the media attention.

    • Re:Trump Trolling (Score:5, Insightful)

      by allcoolnameswheretak ( 1102727 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:02PM (#52590857)

      Agree. The Donald is a raging, manic-obsessive attention whore. He doesn't even believe half of what he says himself. He's just happy to have everyone talking about him.

      • He doesn't even believe half of what he says himself.

        How can we possibly know that? He doubles down anytime someone calls him out! Best case he believes it while the words are coming out of his mouth and changes his mind or forgets about it like a goldfish...hmm...borderline fetish for gold plating things, orange skin, short memory, always curls his lips into that "fish face"....TRUMP IS A GOLDFISH!!!

  • by mi ( 197448 ) <> on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:02PM (#52590865) Homepage Journal

    When New York Times published illegally-obtained materials embarrassing a Republican, they got a Pulitzer Prize — because "the people deserve to know" all there is to know about their leaders.

    Putin — or whoever really is behind the DNC leaks — certainly deserves [] a similar reward, does he not?

    • I will send Putin a medal, it will be a great medal, only the best.

    • by Jason Levine ( 196982 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:34PM (#52591257) Homepage

      The New York Times isn't a governmental agency or a Presidential candidate. Those are held to different standards than the media. And the New York Times didn't call on foreign hackers to instigate an attack on a government server to get material - they published the results of the hack. Legally grey? Probably, but it could be argued that this falls under the leeway that is given to the media to help keep government honest. An active Presidential candidate calling upon a foreign power to target his opponent by attacking federal government computer systems, though? That's much, much worse.

      I'm not sure if this rises to "treason" levels of bad, but it's certainly very bad.

  • by tekrat ( 242117 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:15PM (#52591005) Homepage Journal

    Trump invites Arabs to fly airplanes into the Wells Fargo Convention Center on Thursday night!

    That'll show 'em!

  • by stinky wizzleteats ( 552063 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:32PM (#52591235) Homepage Journal
    The GOP presidential candidate is encouraging a hostile foreign power to intrude into US government data systems in the hopes of revealing evidence Clinton may have acted contrary to the interests of the United States. Have I got this right?
  • by nehumanuscrede ( 624750 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:45PM (#52591415)

    He does have a point.

    About the ONLY way we will ever recover those emails that Hillary and her team decided to wipe from her server is if some hacker type managed to infiltrate her server while they still existed and archived them. ( Russian, Chinese, American, who cares where they live )

    At this point it's obvious that justice is right out of the question considering both the FBI and the Attorney General have decided to ignore the fact that Her Highness handled classified material in a negligent manner. ( Yes it's a crime. No you don't need to have intent. Folks are in jail today for doing the exact same thing. )

    So in the absence of any sort of real justice ( which just doesn't happen if your last name is Clinton ) we have to resort to methods that will probably be frowned upon by those who pretend to be Champions of Justice. Seriously, when the rich and powerful OWN the whole system, relying upon our "justice" system is laughable.

    Can you imagine the fallout if some hacker actually DID decide to post the entire archive ? How f*cking sad is it that we have to hope for such a thing if we're ever to learn the full truth about what Hillary decided she didn't want part of official records ?

    It would make for the greatest election drama in the history of our nation :D

  • Well... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by argStyopa ( 232550 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @01:51PM (#52591503) Journal

    If the US government fails to care about blatant disregard of law's a Clinton and she's a Democrat...then perhaps it's legitimate to appeal to other state-level actors to help throw aside the veil of secrecy?

    At what point are the people of the US entitled to recognize that their government directly serves the interests of a small coterie of oligarchs, and try to work around it?

    Again, let's recall:
    "I don't have a private email server"
    "It was only private and family correspondence"
    "Well nothing secret went on that server"
    "Nothing I knew was secret was on that server"
    "Nothing ACTUALLY MARKED SECRET was on that server"
    and then, after at least a week of denials, a carefully vetted pile of emails was 'given' to the FBI/DOJ and there were STILL secret things found in the correspondence.

    And yet, the response from half the electorate and most of the major news organizations is "What me worry?" and "Vast Right Wing Conspiracy*"
    *now including Red Scare 2016(tm)

  • by Ken Hansen ( 3612047 ) on Wednesday July 27, 2016 @07:38PM (#52595327)
    Trump asked the Russians, or anyone else that has them, to turn over the missing 30,000 delete emails from Hillary's private email server...

    First off the server doesn't exist any more - remember, it was 'wiped' (no, not 'with a towel')

    When the server existed, Hillary told us it was never hacked, so there can't be anyone that has copies of her emails.

    If the 30,000 deleted emails were copied off the server before it was wiped, we know it doesn't include any 'work-related' emails, because Team Hillary took 2 years and only deleted non-work related emails, like pictures of her granddaughter and yoga routines.

    Please explain how making Hillary's yoga routines and granddaughter pictures are matters of national security, and if they truly are, it makes the Republican's case that housing such sensitive material on an insecure private server was, at the minimum, a grossly irresponsible thing to do.

    The issue is, has been, and always will be her decision to conduct 100% of her work while Secretary of State on an insecure private email server.

    But please, stop trying to convince Americans that asking someone to share Hillary's self-described non-work related emails is an act of treason - you just sound stupid.

Do you suffer painful elimination? -- Don Knuth, "Structured Programming with Gotos"
