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Lessig For Congress? 137

luge writes "With the unfortunate passing of Congressman Tom Lantos, parts of Silicon Valley and San Francisco will be holding a special election in June to send a replacement to Congress. Given the area, it would be great to have someone who is both tech- and policy-aware fill the seat — and it looks like that just might happen. Lawrence Lessig has apparently bought '' A 'Draft Lessig' group is forming on Facebook, featuring some of Lessig's old co-workers at Harvard and Jimmy Wales, among others. No word from Lessig himself yet, but he's been increasingly vocal about politics of late. If it happens, it would be a huge step forward for the representation of technology in Washington."
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Lessig For Congress?

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  • Real chance? (Score:1, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward
    I doubt he'd be electable in a state which contains a large percentage (if not the largest) of content providers.
    • Re:Real chance? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:40AM (#22434794) Homepage
      I doubt he'd be electable in a state which contains a large percentage (if not the largest) of content providers.

      Perhaps not in the Senate, but this is the House, and he's a Bay Area resident. We have a few little companies here that are full of employees who feel pretty strongly about rational technology law; you know, Google, Apple, Yahoo, and about seventy-three thousand startups. House elections are local.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by CSMatt ( 1175471 )
        Google and Yahoo, perhaps, but methinks that Steve Jobs' position at Disney could be a real influence on Apple.
        • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

          by Bob9113 ( 14996 )
          Google and Yahoo, perhaps, but methinks that Steve Jobs' position at Disney could be a real influence on Apple.

          Haha - well noted. I actually originally composed my post to say "companies that feel strongly about rational technology law." Then realized the mistake and changed it to employees. :)
        • Didn't Jobs get rid of DRM in iTunes?
          • by CSMatt ( 1175471 )
            The last I heard it was only for EMI tracks. The other labels may have signed on to iTunes Plus, but the videos and movies most certainly continue to be embedded with DRM. Given that the often-denied movie rentals have now surfaced, I doubt that video from the iTunes Store will ever be DRM-free.
    • Maybe, but if the demographics of the area are more in the tech field then the increasing efforts by the MPAA/RIAA to limit the internet could actually help him.
    • Re:Real chance? (Score:5, Informative)

      by eln ( 21727 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:47AM (#22434878)
      He doesn't need to be elected by the whole state, just his district. That particular district covers a big chunk of Silicon Valley, which may be the one place a candidate like that actually could get elected.
      • Re:Real chance? (Score:4, Informative)

        by CSMatt ( 1175471 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:55AM (#22434946)
        So then what happens when the rest of the state, or the nation for that matter, votes against what he votes for? It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Congress has a significant amount of bad apples.
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by eln ( 21727 )
          I didn't say he would be effective in Congress, just that he could get elected to Congress. One person championing Creative Commons in a room of 434 other people in the pocket of the industry lobbyists probably won't have much effect at all unless he can build up enough seniority to get on (and chair) the right committees.
      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • And I'm not even being pedantic here. The 12th district is on the northern part of the peninsula.

        Congressman Mike Honda [] is the representative for most of "Silicon Valley" which includes San Jose, Santa Clara, and Cupertino -- the 15th District.

        Now, if you want to cover Google and Stanford, then that's the 14th District -- which includes Saratoga, Sunnyvale, Mountain View, Palo Alto, and Redwood City -- and Congresswoman Anna Eshoo [] is very much alive. :)

        Silicon Valley is well represented already.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:10AM (#22435122)
      I'd say elect Bill Gates.
      Just coming up with bribes large enough to get his attention would bankrupt
      the RIAA, MPAA, and similar mob enterprises.
      • You're kidding, right?

        They have a *lot* of leverage to use for bribes. "Say, you want all the top-40 crap exclusively on MS-Windows Live? That's easy. Just make sure all equipment must have DRM built-in."

        It's already happening. That's why Microsoft is so willing to add end-to-end DRM to MS-Windows.

        I know you are just making a joke, but the joke's on us. Gates already has more influence via Microsoft than all the government regulation in the computer industry combined.
      • It really didn't take that much. Bill Gates got a handslap on monopoly charges for the low, low price of $6 million in contributions. Very depressing :(
    • Re:Real chance? (Score:4, Insightful)

      by kenthorvath ( 225950 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @12:04PM (#22435958)

      I doubt he'd be electable in a state which contains a large percentage (if not the largest) of content providers.

      I disagree. He is strongly anti-piracy, and has the support of major content providers with his Creative Commons initiative. The copyright reforms he seeks to implement are geared mainly towards removing the legal barrier towards creating fair-use derivative works of content and facilitating amateur content creation. This may not be a savory notion for the big studios, but it is not a life-or-death burden on their business models, either.

      • Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • He argued against infinite copyright in front of the supreme court, against BigMedia's interest.
        • He argued against infinite copyright in front of the supreme court, against BigMedia's interest.

          The majority of works yield no economic benefit whatsoever even just a few decades past their creation. They sit in a vault and age and degrade and are lost forever. Read Lessig's book on copyright for more insight. The economic impact on the studios of limited copyright is much less than its perceived impact. In fact, one might argue that once a work has no more economic benefit to its owner, the owner would

    • There will be too many votes against him from Steamboat Willie ^h^h^h^h^h^h^hMikey Mouse.
  • Or maybe Perens? Nah, he's not wingnutty enough for politics.
  • by sm62704 ( 957197 )
    If only for what he, himself says is the greatest failure of his career. Interestingly, it isn't covered in the Wikipedia article about Lessig. But you can blame his lack of skill on the rediculously long copyright terms the music labels enjoy, as the SCOTUS said that "limited" means whatever Congress says it means.

    I hope I'm not trashing the wrong lawyer...
    • by CSMatt ( 1175471 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:38AM (#22434776)
      That was over 10 years ago. What makes you think that he didn't learn form that?
    • by eln ( 21727 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:51AM (#22434904)
      I'd rather vote for a guy that stood up for what I believe in and failed rather than someone who stood up for something I'm against and succeeded.
      • Personally, I would rather vote for BOTH of the people you mention then vote for someone who believed in nothing.
    • by robot_love ( 1089921 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:23AM (#22435334)
      That's some good thinking there, tiger. Let's not vote for the guy who tried to change US copyright law on a shoe-string budget against the wishes of the biggest and richest corporations in America. Is it at least possible that the things he learned going through that could help him to be succesful next time? Or do you win all your SCOTUS cases first time? What's that? You've never fought a case against corruption at the level of the supreme court? You've never even fought any court cases against corruption?

      I don't mean to sound like a fanboy, but Lessig has proven that he's willing to fight for the things I (and likely you, this being Slashdot and all) actually care about, and you slag him because he didn't win his supreme court case! Unbelievable.
  • by DoofusOfDeath ( 636671 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:30AM (#22434682)
    IIRC, Lessig recently made anti-corruption be his struggle, rather than restoring copyright to something reasonable. On which goal(s) would he focus? I think legislators are often forced to sacrifice one ideal for another during the legislative process.
    • Both (Score:1, Informative)

      by twmcneil ( 942300 )
      My take on his recent switch in area of concentration was that he realized that we can't improve copyright until we take care of corruption.
    • by Comatose51 ( 687974 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:48AM (#22434890) Homepage
      Unreasonable copyright and denial of intellectual freedom for the sake of corporate profit is a form of corruption in my book.
      • In his book, too. He acknowledges that his copyright struggle was really a subset of the scope of his new Lessig 2.0 corruption struggle.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • Sounds like an Imperial Auditor [] to me...

        We definitely need some people with this kind of mandate and power, provided there are enough checks on said power to prevent it being used for Evil instead of Good...

        Dan Aris

      • by oojimaflib ( 1077261 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @12:52PM (#22436606)

        A large part of the problem with corruption is the red tape that the corrupt can hide behind. What we need is a sort of "root" user for one or two agencies that can essentially violate any law or policy inside the government, short of the constitution itself, to root out corruption.
        Yes. That's what's needed. The Spanish Inquisition. Capital idea.
      • Congratulations. You've invented a new power broker! How long do you think it would take for the position to get politicized? Think about it. You would could ask anyone anything and they have to answer. You could gain access to political plans. Leak info at inconvenient times. Get phone records for calls to non-spouses. Make it look like someone isn't being completely honest and you've effectively kicked them out of federal government and politics. Not that any of this is bad because no-one should
      • Nobody expects the OFFICES OF THE INSPECTOR GENERAL! Our chief weapon is root access. Root access and non-possibility of non-cooperation... Our TWO chief weapons are root access, non-possibility of non-cooperation, and 12-year terms THREE! Our three main weapons are root access, non-possibility of non-cooperation, 12-year terms, and no accountability... Our four... Among our chief weaponry are such diverse elements as root access, non-possibility of non-cooperation, 12-year terms, no accountability to
      • 6) hope like hell that you've hired someone absolutely un-corruptible, with a perfect moral compass.....
    • I'd always thought he'd make a terrific SC Justice, and some years experience as a legislator -- specializing in issues of Copyright, piracy, and technology law -- might be a good career path in that regard, brining him out of the "shadows" -- insofar as he is in the shadows from the perspective of the political establishment. I have a feeling though, that as a venue for his skills, interests, and prodigious abilities, only SCOTUS would be truly satisfying.
    • He didnt change anything. The problem with reforming copyright is that you cant get legislatures to do this because they depend on big companies for their re-election donations. Thus the best way to fix this and a slew of other issues is to continue to reform donation laws so the big companies can't dictate to the legislature what to do by pulling the purse-strings.
    • by Yvanhoe ( 564877 )
      I think I remember reading that he turned toward anti-corruption because he saw it as a sort of root problem that spawned the crazy set of copyright law America is trying to force the rest of the world to accept (resist, EU parliament! resist !). So I would say that as a congressman he would try to address the biggest problem he perceives he can tackle.
  • by cs02rm0 ( 654673 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:30AM (#22434686)
    and board member at EFF apparently.

    I'd never heard of him. []
    • by cHALiTO ( 101461 )
      I received a copy of "Free Culture" when I subscribed to the FSF. Very interesting read. This man seems to have some very good ideas, and knows quite a bit about copyright and derivatives. I'd vote for him if I could :)
      • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

        by CSMatt ( 1175471 )
        Quite unusual, considering that the FSF is at odds with Creative Commons, specifically their NonCommercial and NoDerivatives licenses.
        • by cHALiTO ( 101461 )
          Go figure. This was a couple of years ago, maybe they were all friends then.. dunno. Still a good book anyway :)
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by qortra ( 591818 )
      I was tempted to say, "you must be new here". But that certainly isn't the case, given your ID - you've been a member at least a few years. Then, I was tempted to say, "you must not come here often". But 141 comments (mediocre though it may be) is a counter indicator to that as well. Thus, I have settled on one of two possibilities; either you have YRO posts at -5, or you don't RTFAs. Lessig comes up all the time here - or at least, he did until he switched "causes" away from copyrights. Anyway, not
      • by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:21AM (#22435302) Homepage
        Lessig comes up all the time here - or at least, he did until he switched "causes" away from copyrights.

        Not so. He was pretty clear about the fact that he feels copyright is a symptom, and the corruption disease must be tackled in order to advance rational copyright law which balances the needs of creators and consumers. He has not turned his back on copyright reform, but taken what he sees as the only viable path to the goal.
    • Lessig is (was?) a featured writer in Wired Magazine. He is a brilliant supporter of free culture, and has a lot of foresight towards the future in a very-RMS way.

      Anybody unfamiliar with his ideas would do good to read more []

  • He doesn't sound like the most ideal candidate, but then what politician ever is?
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I had a little correspondence with Mr. Lessig before and was impressed. He seems to be a person who actively is seeking the truth of matters in our society. I would vote for him without doubt.
  • Obama + Lessig = Win (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ClamIAm ( 926466 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:39AM (#22434780)
    I'm leaning toward Obama a bit for President. This is mostly because when he drafted his tech policy, instead of talking to some exec at AT&T, he talked to Lessig[1]. I find this admirable.

    In the potential future where Lessig runs and wins, and Obama wins, we'd have two more Slashdot Moral Values-friendly politicians in office. Of course, there's already people like Dick Boucher of Virginia.

    [1] Of course, who knows how committed Obama is to his tech platform, and/or how much he'd have to compromise to appease the Congresscritters who've been bought by the telecom and copyright cartels.
    • by CSMatt ( 1175471 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:48AM (#22434880)
      At least he has a tech platform. Every other candidate I've come across who's still in the race doesn't seem to have anything planned for the digital realm, other than the standard "no wiretapping without a warrant" promise of some candidates.
    • In the potential future where Lessig runs and wins, and Obama wins, we'd have two more Slashdot Moral Values-friendly politicians in office.


      Oxymoron-O-Meter just pinned Eleven.

      Not to mention the "Hive Mind Group Think" litmus test, which just burst into flames.

      Listen, if you think everyone at slashdot (or everyone in the Tech Industry) is an Obama/Lessig fan, you've got too many people on your ignore list.

      You'll probably get a pass here on slashdot, but I recommend you not try this again on a forum wher
    • Even better, Lessig should work for Obama AS HEAD OF THE FCC!
    • Thanks for speaking on my behalf, but I think Obama is an AWFUL candidate, and the idea of that slimy demagogue becoming president (who has lots of people fooled because he is charismatic and is very good with weasel-words) scares me.
    • zomg, I just got excited that we might have a pleasant and sane future in the U.S.

  • Obama Supporter (Score:4, Informative)

    by ShedPlant ( 1041034 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:43AM (#22434828) Homepage shows he donated the maximum allowance to Barack Obama's campaign. Just FYI :) .
  • by routerl ( 976394 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @10:43AM (#22434838)
    Let me preface this comment by saying I am not an American, but an observer of American politics and culture. It is a sad testament to the strength of anti-intellectualist tendencies in American culture that American politicians tend to have little academic expertise on the issues pertaining to the policies they espouse (e.g. Ted Stevens' "internet = series of tubes"). The benefit provided by academic expertise is not simply the number of degrees one acquires, but dialogical engagement with other experts who dedicate themselves to finding fault in arguments (via journals, conferences, etc). Thus, the arguments presented by an academic to the general public may well be bastardized (because simplified) versions of the arguments they would present within academia, but we (the public) can assure ourselves that those arguments could be elucidated in ways that stand up to some level of harsh criticism. To put one's faith in the honesty of a politician whose views and arguments arose in an academic setting, then, is a better bet than putting one's faith in the honesty of a politician who may only be concerned with rhetorically covering up his/her true influences (e.g. pressure by lobbyists or campaign contributions). Lessig for congress is, in my eyes, a good move regardless of how much/little I may agree with him politically. This is simply because the development of his views and arguments is well documented in his books and articles, and with reference to an academic context which is accessible to anyone interested in putting the time into investigating it. As I see it, this would be a move towards transparency in government, which is a prerequisite for true democracy.
    • by pigiron ( 104729 )
      "internet = series of tubes" I like that simile! BTW, who is Ted Stevens?
    • by inKubus ( 199753 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:01AM (#22435026) Homepage Journal
      Well, behind all the used-car salesmen and small-town accident attorneys is a fairly capable and educated bureaucracy. The fact is that if the people doing the driving are incompetent enough to only do what's most popular, you are getting the will of the people. The problem is that the PEOPLE are stupid. So, in times when the political institution is particularly weak, the bureaucracy takes over (such as after 9/11), and they have all sorts of plans to control the media, and vicariously the politicians (since they only do what's most popular).

      Proof of this is readily available when you look at documentation of the CIA's activities in the early 60's. That is what happens when you give a bureaucracy carte blanc and no oversight. They invaded a country. Of course, 9/11 had some of the same effects as nuclear cold war--it instilled fear in the public, which means they are apt to press their politicians to give up power in favor of the bureaucracy. Thus we have wiretapping, prison camps, torture, etc, all existing outside of the normal decision-making process. The worst part is that the bureaucracy is run by the president. He's the chief executive and the president of all the departments and sub-departments of the bureaucracy. Congress can only make the laws that govern this body, and the judicial can only rule when a suit is brought. Thus, they have unlimited power until they get caught.

      Heady stuff, no wonder people want to be president so badly.

      I agree, however, that having some intelligence in the Congress would provide some leadership to the people who need it most. The problem is, all the stupid people wouldn't like him and he'd be voted out. People seem to prefer people who think at their own level, apparently.
    • Re: (Score:2, Insightful)

      by 91degrees ( 207121 )
      (e.g. Ted Stevens' "internet = series of tubes")

      Why does everyone pick on him for this bit of his comment? It's the only bit that actually makes sense. A series of tubes is a perfectly good analogy for the internet. It is essentially a series of interconnected conduits, and if one of them gets clogged up it will slow down the whole system.
      • "Someone on my staff sent me an Internet" would be been a better line to harp on.
        • Exactly. It's the line I harp on, instead of the "series of tubes" line which would be okay if it weren't in such a stupid speech.
    • Re: (Score:2, Interesting)

      by taskiss ( 94652 )
      It doesn't take knowledge of technology to represent your constituency so I have NO idea why you feel "academic expertise" is relevant. There are technical advisers for that sort of thing, and it's the people skills to select a knowledgeable and honest adviser that are the skills needed to hold political office.

      Honesty isn't We have enough folks that engage in "dialogical engagement with other experts" and the greatest contribution that provides is hot carbon dioxide - and this is something you feel we need
      • by taskiss ( 94652 )
        That should have read "Honesty isn't a trait reserved for academics.", but my dog ate my homework.
    • The benefit provided by academic expertise is not simply the number of degrees one acquires, but dialogical engagement with other experts who dedicate themselves to finding fault in arguments (via journals, conferences, etc).

      Of course, the disadvantage provided by academic expertise is that the politicians would use words like "dialogical."

      All things considered, I'll take the non-academic, thanks.
    • While I don't necessarily disagree with you, your post does smack of a "rule by the intelligentsia" philosophy. I think it overvalues the argumentative abilities of academics outside their realm of expertise and does not consider the unexpected wisdom found among the masses. (If you know many cattle farmers, they are generally a great example of this.)
    • by linhux ( 104645 )

  • Is there any way to elect him and then have him avoid the mandatory lobotomy that is forced on all our politicians? :)
  • Fantastic! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Phoenix666 ( 184391 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:04AM (#22435050)
    He would make an excellent Congressman and technology advocate. Personally, I think Lawrence Lessig would make for the right template to choose Congressmen. That is, they both have general competence and area-specific knowledge. Rather than the old method of electing political cronies or party insiders or business schmucks or mercenary, power-hungry lawyers, we could elect men and women who are strong contributors to our civic life and also experts in their particular field.

    For instance, I would feel much better about food safety legislation designed by a Congresswoman who was an actual FDA scientist. Then I could be reasonably sure that facts played a large role in her decisions.

  • Lessig vs. Putnam (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Gallenod ( 84385 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:07AM (#22435086)
    Lessig, assuming he runs and is elected as a Democrat, would provide a massive counterweight to the Republican's Adam Putnam (R-FL) on technology issues, not to mention any other current Reps living off the largesse of the intellectual propery community (RIAA, MPAA, Business Software Alliance, etc.).

    I hope he runs. We need more legislators with practical life experiences who are not only experts in particular disciplines, but know enough about legal or scientific methods to form intelligent opinion based on facts on other subjects instead of voting the way the polls or campaign contributors tell them to.

  • by Subm ( 79417 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:25AM (#22435368)
    I don't live in his district, but I sent a check to Diebold and they said they registered my vote.
  • Lessig for SCOTUS (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Reverend528 ( 585549 ) * on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:31AM (#22435454) Homepage
    Lets face it. He'd fit in a lot better in the Judicial Branch...
  • by molo ( 94384 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @11:49AM (#22435712) Journal
    Palo Alto (and Stanford) are in California's 14th District [], and Lantos is from the 12th District [], representing the area from San Mateo, and Redwood City north to South San Francisco, Daly City, and the southwestern portion of San Francisco. I don't think he's eligible to represent the 12th district without moving. So this would be no small matter for him to undertake.

    That said, I would fully support Lessig for congress. Hopefully he can bring some knowledge and sanity to important committees.

  • Best case scenario, he'd be on out of 435 in Congress...better than nothing, but still...

  • by AceJohnny ( 253840 ) <> on Friday February 15, 2008 @12:15PM (#22436100) Journal
    I think L Lessig can have more impact from outside Congress, and concentrate on issues he cares about (copyright before, corruption now), rather than waste his time politicking about in Congress on issues he doesn't care about.

    Sure, maybe he could have a little more impact working from the inside, but I'm cynically afraid that he'd soon be disgusted and burnt out against the rot in there.
  • Scary... (Score:1, Flamebait)

    by owlnation ( 858981 )
    Jimmy Wales is supporting him. Not exactly a shining example of truth and justice. Is Lessig a fan of Ayn Rand too?

    I'm sure his wikipedia page will be carefully protected by a very efficient cabal though.
  • I was just thinking that what Congress really needs is another lawyer.
  • No chance (Score:4, Insightful)

    by HaeMaker ( 221642 ) on Friday February 15, 2008 @12:55PM (#22436648) Homepage
    Lessig has no chance in Lantos' district. He would not be the Democratic nominee, that would most likely be Jackie Speier, and she is a lock to win the seat. She will win by at least 60%.

    Lessig will have a better chance if he tries for Anna Eshoo's seat when she retires, but he would have a lot of work to do to win a Democratic nomination out of the blue. In this area, there is a very active and strong Democratic party infrastructure and the path to that seat is usually via the state assembly/senate or San Mateo County Board of Supervisors.

    If Lessig really wants in to congress, he should run for local office first.
    • And this is exactly why I support open elections - the type that got Schwarzenegger elected. Have everyone run who can get a certain number of signatures going, and let everyone duke it out in the public forum. None of this nomination crap, which simply guarantees that only professional politicians who appeal to party activists get elected.
      • Every election is run this way. You can always run as an independent if you get enough signatures or pay the "in lieu of filing" fee. You can run RIGHT NOW if you want. You don't have to have a run-off election for this.
    • If Lessig really wants in to congress, he should run for local office first

      "All politics are local." Silicon Valley isn't about tech, it's about people. Its just possible the voters in his district are more concerned about health insurance than copyright reform.

  • Someone stopped blogging and actually went and tried to do something in the real world. Holy crap. Now if the other 6.5 billion other really pissed off people get off their asses and vote for him and people like him, maybe something will happen in the real world. Kick some ass Lawrence... kick some ass.

  • via []:

    This site hosts this video to explain the launch of two exploratory projects -- first, a Change Congress movement, and second, my own decision whether to run for Congress in the California 12th.

    I have decided I want to give as much energy as I can to the Change Congress movement. I will decide in the next week or so whether it makes sense to advance that movement by running for Congress.

    Many friends have weighed in on that decision -- both strongly in favor and strongly oppose

The best way to avoid responsibility is to say, "I've got responsibilities."
