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Microsoft Government The Almighty Buck Politics

Following Bill Gates' Linux Attack Money 530

UnderScan writes "After researching this material for about three years, Tom Adelstein tracks Microsoft's anti-Linux lobbying money: "Microsoft has unparalleled influence throughout the Federal government. On the cover of a recent edition of VarBusiness Magazine dated June 26, 2005 the editors presented a large headline which read: 'It's A Microsoft World. Five years after running afoul of the Feds, Microsoft is as powerful as ever. Pushing a platform instead of products could make it stronger still. Why nothing seems to stop it.'""
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Following Bill Gates' Linux Attack Money

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  • by gwayne ( 306174 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:33PM (#12952184)
    Tom Adelstein discovers VarBusiness Magazine owned by Microsoft.
  • by Vodak ( 119225 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:33PM (#12952190)
    Nothing seems to stop it because people act like sheep when it comes to technology. Try selling OSS solutions to a non-profit group when companies are in thier ear about how OSS is evil.

    Give the local company gives them a free copy of Office and they are sold that OSS is the devil.
    • Exactly. Technology awareness is only half the battle - convincing people that the status quo is not acceptable is a whole other battle.

      Because the field of information technology and technology as a whole is so fast-moving, people like to have some consistency. Sadly, Microsoft gives this to them with not only widely-compatible products (as most people use MS) but mediocrity. Why keep to this trend, we in the technological "know" ask. Why change, everyone else asks - what they have works fine.

      If only

      • by qwijibo ( 101731 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:14PM (#12952565)
        Only techies seem to be interested in things like awareness or battling the status quo.

        Most people want the lowest common denominator. The average person has unprecidented access to information and low priced technology. They don't care that the reason this is true because there were people who wanted more than the mediocrity they saw around them. These people are sheep. We call them sheeple.

        Businesses are built by stepping on sheeple and taking their money. If you want to be successful in business, you just have to lose your conscience. Geeks seem to have a hard time grasping that most of the world doesn't care about technology.

        From the geek perspective, there is technology that is 10 times better than the stuff MS puts out. The average person has never seen the alternatives and never will. As far as they're concerned, MS is the most amazing thing ever.

        There is something that we can do, but it's scary. It involves going outside and interacting with people.
        • Only techies seem to be interested in things like awareness or battling the status quo.

          Perhaps you should rephrase that to include the caveat that this applies to the *technological* domain. Many people care about battling the status quo, but the average person doesn't understand the nuances of how M$ maintains its monopoly through government lobbying and embrace-and-extend philosophy... they just want the computer to accomplish the task at hand and carry on with their lives.

          Just like you don't ask what
    • The problem is that the US political system is the most corrupt political system in the world. What do you expect when it is bribery set in system?
  • The Golden Rule. (Score:3, Insightful)

    by macaulay805 ( 823467 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:36PM (#12952216) Homepage Journal
    Whoever has the gold makes the rules.
  • Hmmmm (Score:5, Funny)

    by Vonotar82 ( 859920 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:36PM (#12952218)
    It's only a matter of time before MicrSoft seceeds from the Union, forming a technocracy that will rule the internet and unleash Clippy v2.0, the Terminator edition. Unstoppable, blob-like, indefatigable, only Mr. Peabody and the Way Back machine can stop it now. May the Gods have mercy on our souls.
  • monkey! (Score:5, Funny)

    by Paul Rose ( 771894 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:37PM (#12952221)
    who else read as 'attack monkey' ?
  • by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:37PM (#12952222)
    Why nothing seems to stop it

    Don't tell me you actually believed that the "GNU/Linux revolution" would somehow change the rules of the game and that future business would be conducted on the basis of competence/performance alone instead of politics and money?

    The fact is that competence and performance can never compete with politics, lock-in and big money. IBM, Sun and a few other corporations like Red Hat are adapting Free/Open Software in the way that actually matters. Cash in on that success, stop whining about the "Microsoft World", play the backstab/lobbying-game to the end and you just might win.

    • by Ruie ( 30480 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:10PM (#12952527) Homepage
      The fact is that competence and performance can never compete with politics, lock-in and big money. IBM, Sun and a few other corporations like Red Hat are adapting Free/Open Software in the way that actually matters. Cash in on that success, stop whining about the "Microsoft World", play the backstab/lobbying-game to the end and you just might win.

      But having won that way would it be any different from losing ?

    • by IceAgeComing ( 636874 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:22PM (#12952642)

      "Better yet, you idealists should all just die now. The world has no room for people who strive to make it a better place."

      No thanks. At the end of my life, I'd like to not be remembered as a back-stabbing cheat, but as someone who strove to make the world better. And today you're in luck: I can take your ridicule. My heart is full of love.

    • by FunWithHeadlines ( 644929 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:24PM (#12952662) Homepage
      "Don't tell me you actually believed that the "GNU/Linux revolution" would somehow change the rules of the game and that future business would be conducted on the basis of competence/performance alone instead of politics and money?"

      Actually, the GNU/Linux revolution is a revolution. That means it didn't change the rules of the game, it created a whole new game and dared anyone else to play on their turf. Microsoft is deeply entrenched in the wallets of the corporate and political world. But FOSS has taken off despite that, and now has a great mindshare, far more than you would expect. But hey, they give you freedom, and never underestimate the power of freedom.

      So yes, the old powers can play the old games of power and money. And dinosaurs are remarkably successful despite the gnawing of little mammals. Until one day they aren't. And a new era begins.

    • by SuperKendall ( 25149 ) * on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:30PM (#12952745)
      Don't tell me you actually believed that the "GNU/Linux revolution" would somehow change the rules of the game and that future business would be conducted on the basis of competence/performance alone instead of politics and money?

      Of course not.

      But where do you think all that money Microsoft has comes from? It comes from companies, from consumers.

      And when companies wake up and realize they can take they money they have been giving Microsoft, and keep more of it themselves... that is the revolution, based entirey on the same rules of politics and money.

      The rules that say if you keep stealing long enough from someone someday they will notice.

      The rules that say if your competition has a lower operating cost they are probably going to eat you up. So it only takes a few companies going with open source solutions along with significant savings and therefore reduced pricing to tilt the whole industry that way.

      In the end even a very rich company like Microsoft cannot propel itself on money alone as they simply have to take more in then they spend out.
  • Microsoft (Score:3, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:37PM (#12952231)
    Soon they'll announce linux has ties to terrorist!
    • Yeah, didn't you hear, it was created by Abdul (AKA "Linus") Torvalds from the terrorist state of Norway (which I believe just missed "Axis of Evil" status).
    • Re:Microsoft (Score:5, Informative)

      by nanop ( 155318 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:58PM (#12952415)
      Other's already have.
      See Jeffrey Vernon Merkey's court complaint [] against, well... everyone.
      An excerpt from the "FACTS COMMON TO ALL CAUSES OF ACTION" section:
      42. Much of the activities of Linux and OSS have served to create a funneling system allowing sensitive and advanced technology created by computer technology companies in the United States to be illegally exported out of the United States and into the hands of the citizens of other countries.
      43. As a result of these activities, a large portion of US technology has been unwittingly placed into the hands of various groups around the world, including Al-Queda, and other groups who sponsor international terrorism.
      44. As a result of these activities, a large portion of US technology has been unwittingly placed into the hands of various groups around the world, including radical governments and groups who sponsor and have used the technology in support of the creation of weapons of mass murder and mass destruction designed to murder American Citizens and their families.
      • Re:Microsoft (Score:5, Informative)

        by bnenning ( 58349 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @04:45PM (#12953492)
        Holy crap. You stopped before it got really good:
        46. The beheading and murder of United States Citizens in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other countries have been videotaped, converted to MPEG and other images for viewing on the public Internet through the use of OSS and Linux software and computer technology developed and purloined by Linux and OSS members and illegally exported from the United States.
        This guy makes Darl look like the poster child for mental health.
        • Re:Microsoft (Score:5, Interesting)

          by KlomDark ( 6370 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @04:59PM (#12953640) Homepage Journal
          I thought you were kidding. Then I looked, and you are not at all. Insanity.

          46. The beheading and murder of United States Citizens in Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and other countries have been videotaped, converted to MPEG and other images for viewing on the public Internet through the use of OSS and Linux software and computer technology developed and purloined by Linux and OSS members and illegally exported from the United States.
          47. Companies which sponsor, endorse, and support OSS and Linux, and those acting in concert as their advocates have been unwitting participants in wholesale technology theft of United States developed technology and sponsors of domestic and international terrorism.

          48. Companies which sponsor, endorse, and support OSS and Linux, and those acting in concert as their advocates have been unwitting participants in wholesale technology theft of United States developed technology and sponsors of efforts to undermine the Government of the United States and the economic stability of computer technology development and industry within the United States.

          49. Companies which sponsor, endorse, and support OSS and Linux, and those acting in concert as their advocates have been unwitting participants in wholesale technology theft of United States developed technology and sponsors of the creation of weapons of mass murder and mass destruction by the enemies of the United States.

          49. Companies who attempt to protect their rights to their intellectual property by filing lawsuits against members of Linux and OSS are attacked publicly on the public Internet through a variety of means, including identity theft, defamation, interference in their business and cultural relationships, violation of their rights of expressive association and freedom of speech, threats to murder them, intentional infliction of emotional distress to the extent they take their own lives, and Internet postings advocating they commit suicide.

          50. Many of these methods employed by OSS and Linux Community members to oppress and suppress public viewpoints they do not agree with, do not differ in any way and in many cases resemble the same methods employed by international terrorists to promote their causes, in that they advocate through the posting of messages, emails, and public statements to Internet websites: murder, violence, death, oppression, mob mentality, intentional infliction of emotional distress, terror, defamation, identify theft, character assassination, threats to murder or firebomb the homes of individuals, and threats to overthrow governmental systems.

          51. Although OSS and Linux both state goals and ideals which are attractive, such as freedom to innovate, freedom to develop new technology, and free access to software and computer technology, efforts by competing open source efforts to develop or create new development communities are routinely attacked publicly by OSS and Linux members through a variety of oppressive means over the public Internet, such as threats of: murder, violence, death, oppression, mob mentality, intentional infliction of emotional distress, terror, defamation, identify theft, character assassination, threats to murder or firebomb the homes of individuals, and threats to overthrow governmental systems.

          52. Many of these activities fall within the definitions under the Patriot Act and other Federal Legislation designed to protect the American People as acts of domestic terrorism.

          Is this come kind of joke?
  • by OffTheLip ( 636691 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:38PM (#12952234)
    The sheer amounts of cash microsoft has at its disposal distorts all things including politics. The recent Gattes world health initiatives and other gestures of good will insure M$ remains a dandy in the eye of the general public. Now their enemies are another story...
    • Uh huh. And which half of the family fortune have you given away to charity recently?

      One may not like how he got there, but one does need to give credit where credit is due.

      And personally, if I had been responsible in the early days for promoting my products and making my company successful, I'm not sure how many things I would have done differently...

  • by Blackbrain ( 94923 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:39PM (#12952238)
    We could probably get Tova Torvalds an advisory position with you think it would help?
  • No kidding! (Score:5, Interesting)

    by ( 206867 ) <100jayto@gm a i l . c om> on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:40PM (#12952248)
    Here in .br, while the whole world sees us as a big case for FLOSS / Linux, the results of this so greatly announced program are yet to be seen. I've been involved in a government project or three, and I've seen things like they throwing away perfectly working Linux-based applications and changing them to Microsoft just to realize that it won't work.

    In the end, more money goes to hire dozens of different software houses just to duct'tape the system to hell so that it half-assed works.

    And I'm not even talking about the USA, where the market holds potentially more money for MS than here.

    I know this was not exactly on-topic, and I've RTFA, but I had to say it.
  • Federal access (Score:5, Interesting)

    by teasea ( 11940 ) <(moc.liamtoh) (ta) (loots_t)> on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:41PM (#12952260)
    Microsoft has unparalleled influence throughout the Federal government.

    If by unparalleled they mean, 'a lot, but not so much as oil and pharmaceuticals', then I might agree.
    • Re:Federal access (Score:3, Interesting)

      by quarkscat ( 697644 )
      "Microsoft has unparalleled influence throughout the Federal government.
      If by unparalleled they mean, 'a lot, but not so much as oil and pharmaceuticals', then I might agree."

      Spot on target!
      [Ahhh! ... oil and "pharacuticals"] - Dubya must constantly be flashing back to the good old bad old days, when he could do anything he wanted and fall back on his daddy's name and influence.
      Do not forget that it was a change of "venue" (ie. the incoming Dubya regime) that allowed MSFT to "write their own" punishment af
  • I'm glad that this info becomes public. I just hope it makes it to yahoo! news or something *actually* popular.
  • At first I thought that said, "Linux Attack Monkey," and hey, that actually sounds pretty neat.
  • Conspiracy Theories (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Kaorimoch ( 858523 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:44PM (#12952282) Journal
    Not as much substance as I hoped as the article 'follows the money'. More conspiracy theories than anything else.

    It certainly shows Microsoft repenting of its earlier mistake for not paying off politicians like all the other major corporations did so they didn't get investigated for violating laws. I'm sure all these wonderful contributions will keep it safe from further litigation and give it more power to manage the law making process as time goes on.
  • Democracy is a joke (Score:4, Interesting)

    by DrugCheese ( 266151 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:45PM (#12952287)
    I think I read it here somewhere awhile back and I totally agree, America IS a corperate Oligarchy []

    The system is indeed for sale
    • Probably been as much since after the Civil War, or at least the turn of the 20th century. I don't see why it needs the word "corporate" to qualify it, though. People regularly place large chunks of their wealth in other people's hands, and give up freedoms and rights to a select few because it's convenient. "Why can't someone else do it?" Doesn't matter if that group is a private corporation or not, the issue is that a relatively small group of people have easy access to lots of wealth, and little accounta
  • sure (Score:5, Insightful)

    by nomadic ( 141991 ) <> on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:45PM (#12952290) Homepage
    Microsoft has unparalleled influence throughout the Federal government.

    Oh puh-lease. There are plenty of companies with that kind of clout; there are plenty with a hell of a lot more. Compared to Halliburton or McDonnell-Douglas or Boeing, Microsoft is strictly amateur hour.
    • agreed.

      not sure what that says though. it would seem that capital hill is behind the curve as far as payola is concerned. it implies a corrupt government that is resistant to changing its own corrupt policies. *shudders*

    • by Erris ( 531066 )
      Oh puh-lease. There are plenty of companies with that kind of clout

      Please yourself.

      It's not "clout" it's ability to break the law and get away with it through bribes and fast talking. Oil and defense companies may have their influence but they have not been flaunting anti-trust law and getting away with it after conviction. That other corruption may exist is no reason to look the other way, especially with something as important as software is to your rights to free speech, privacy and financial securi

  • by leoval ( 827218 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @02:47PM (#12952311)
    I am not sure, but donating US $5000 is enough to swing the vote of a US Senator ? From the article that is what the Preston Gates firm contributed to the guy (perhaps the table is listing the amount in thousands, who knows). If that is the case, then the hard times are hitting even Congress.

    • by NoMoreNicksLeft ( 516230 ) <[john.oyler] [at] []> on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:18PM (#12952595) Journal
      I don't mean to discourage the notion that our leaders sell out cheaply, they certainly do. But documented campaign contributions are the tip of this iceberg, dive down below the surface with me.

      There are golf trips, and trips to las vegas, or other places this senator needs to check out for him to be able to properly understand Microsoft and the plight of the industry regarding the federal government.

      There are the neices and nephews with a different last name, that need a job out of college, that Microsoft hires.

      There are the flights on corporate jets. The introductions to other powerful industry people, that both junior and senior senators need.

      There's the promise of a cushy job if and when they do retire out of Congress.

      The promise of indirect contributions come next election.

      And once you consider that the $5000 is more like roughly $100,000 all things considered, and that it only required an hour here, and hour there throughout the year, never interfering with others giving him more or less the same benefits... would you pass over one more free grab at $100,000, when you're already selling out 5 times a day, and #6 won't be all that more difficult?

      • by HangingChad ( 677530 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:49PM (#12952941) Homepage
        There are golf trips, and trips to las vegas, or other places this senator needs to check out for him to be able to properly understand Microsoft and the plight of the industry regarding the federal government.

        Oh, those are the easy ones to track. The more interesting ones involve "layovers" in places like the Caribbean. A layover doesn't technically count as a destination and frequently isn't reported.

        Nice thing about stopping there...the laws governing certain activities...the kind involving really hot women from foreign countries...are lot less restrictive down there.

        Kinda gives the term "layover" a whole new meaning if you catch my drift. You're on the right track, though.

  • In short... (Score:2, Flamebait)

    by Otter ( 3800 )
    1) The lobbyist whose activities have gotten Tom DeLay in trouble used to work for a firm in which William Gates Sr. was a founding partner.

    2) That same firm does some lobbying for the BSA and has some Microsoft connections.

    Pretty thin stuff for three years work, I'd say, especially since if the Tom DeLay stuff hadn't just fallen out it would be even thinner. The biggest thing I can see here is a bit of nepotism on how the BSA chooses its lobbyists; maybe some of you will lose sleep over that.

    Anyway, conn

  • the accepted mantra, than why is anyone surprised?

    Are you using Windows every day? Did you set up a Windows computer for your parents, grandparents, or other friends because FreeBSD/Linux/NetBSD/MacOS is "too complicated"? Then you are the problem...

  • They also control the black helicopters, Flying Saucers, and it seems that if you dig deep enough you find out that the Anal Probe(tm held by MS) was actually worked on in the late 70's by none other than Bill Gates himself. His new secret projects are being tested in a certain prison in Cuba as we speak. Anal Probe De-Virginater 2.0. or maybe you guys need to lighten up...
  • OMFG!!1! (Score:2, Insightful)

    by The Bungi ( 221687 )
    Microsoft lobbies politicians in its favor!! Merciful heaven, what is the world coming to?? Because of course no other company in this country does this!! I mean, 8 thousand dollars?? And he had to do his little insert in the second listing to prove that Microsoft and Preston Gates are even in the list, with a whopping $3,500!!

    And Melinda gates is in the beard of directors of a newspaper?? Holy shit, and is she in the board of directors of all the other news media outlets in this country? Inquiring minds

  • On first reading, I was sure that headline said "attack monkey". I bet that would be a lot more interesting story.
  • Am I the only person that reads all comments before posting one myself? Geesh.
  • by exp(pi*sqrt(163)) ( 613870 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:04PM (#12952465) Journal
    Microsoft is funded [] by terrorists [] who use their software to plot devilish crimes. (Windows 2K in fact.)
  • by sakusha ( 441986 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:11PM (#12952539)
    Watch closely where Gates is putting his money. He is slowly and quietly liquidating his MSFT stock holdings and putting the money into Big Pharmaceutical stocks. Gates is one of the biggest Big Pharma stockholders in the world. And gee, what a surprise, his "charities" (and I use that term loosely) are solely dedicated to getting the 3rd World hooked on Big Pharma products.
    It appears the only monopoly more profitable than Microsoft is Pharmaceuticals.
    • By hooked, you mean getting drugs that save the lives of their citizens? I guess maybe 3rd world countries shouldn't rely on drugs and rely on prayer instead.

      What are you going to say next, that bill gates is trying to get the 3rd world countries hooked on food while funneling money into agricultural market?

      • By hooked, you mean getting drugs that save the lives of their citizens? I guess maybe 3rd world countries shouldn't rely on drugs and rely on prayer instead.

        By hooked, he means hooked on foreign produced drugs. All of the money that Gates gives for drugs (drug money?) is spent on purchasing foreign produced drugs, often at 100x the price of identical locally produced drugs.

        So instead of using his money as a negotiating club to bring Big Pharma's pricing into line with local market conditions, he's just
  • Breaking News..... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by demachina ( 71715 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:18PM (#12952591)
    News at 11, a big corporation makes campaign contributions to insure they gain influence in Washington.

    Breaking news, a major scandal has been unearthed, a big corpooration pays lobbiests with connections to influence politicians.

    Geez, EVERY big company does EXACTLY the same thing, look at all the companies on the list in the article that gave more money than Microsoft did, like AOL Time Warner. The only amazing thing about Microsoft is they didn't do it much until the antitrust suite and Congress became active in drafting legislation that directrly impacts their business.

    The only plus I can see in their /. submission is thanks to all the Gates/Linux catch phrases maybe some number of geeks will be enlightened that their supposed representative Democracy was in fact sold to the highest bidder like a century or two ago.

    This whole submission is a case of taking a somewhat interesting article on politics and business as usual(a.k.a sleezy) and bending it so its certain to make it to the Slashdot front page using certain to succeed hot button catch phrases.

    Its mildly interesting that there may be a link between Microsoft, Preston Gates and Abramoff but I assure you there are a LOT of politicians and firms that are going to have sleeze splattered on them thanks to Abramoff now that he's been publicly tagged as a sleeze and a crook, something most insiders have known for a long time.

    Its interesting Melinda Gates is on the board of the Washington post but ALL boards are incestuous dens of influence peddaling between the rich and powerful.

    But really, nothing to see here....move along.
    • So, because every company does exactly the same thing it should be ignored? If everyone's doing it there's no reason to investigate and ask questions? Lxer is merely trying to open peoples' eyes to a little of what's going on. But for you ignorance is bliss.
  • Predictable (Score:3, Insightful)

    by tsotha ( 720379 ) on Thursday June 30, 2005 @03:23PM (#12952659)
    Well, this is another case of the law of unintended consequences, isn't it? For many years Microsoft was perfectly happy to do its own thing and leave Washinton alone. Then we had a couple of politicians (at the behest of Novel and Oracle) trying to make hay out of "getting" them. Having been forced into the political arena, how could they have been expected to respond?

    They bought up a bunch of politicians. It was a matter of survival. But now they have all this political clout they can apply in other ways. I don't see any benefit to all that lawyering worth remaking Microsoft into a political force.

    I'm not saying they never did anything illegal. The problem is the government was trying to put them out of business. DOJ should have slapped them with a large fine for exclusionary business deals and called it a day. Microsoft simply couldn't tolerate a situation where a judge has to sign off on every new feature they want to add to Windows.

Disk crisis, please clean up!
