Science Fiction Writers Discuss The Future 250
An Anonymous Reader writes "Locus Magazine asks prominent science fiction writers Bruce Sterling, Kim Stanley Robinson, Cory Doctorow, Pat Murphy, Norman Spinrad, and Ken Wharton to extrapolate the future from current trends in the environment, copyright, terrorism, war, world government, and the upcoming Presidential election. How do large groups make decisions on single issues? Are centralized global systems of governance the way to go? Are stateless diasporas the driving force behind the economic development of India and China? Will there always be war? The answer to these questions and more in a round-table conducted by legendary science fiction writer John Shirley."
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:4, Informative)
Does anyone know of a right wing science fiction writer?
John Ringo (http://www.johnringo.com/)? David Weber (http://www.baen.com/author_catalog.asp?author=dw
Baen has a few.
The 'right' side of fiction (Score:3, Interesting)
Well... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Well... (Score:3, Insightful)
Hardly. Our political grammar has been badly harmed by Reublican pundits co-opting the word "Conservative" to mean "right-wing." It may be the only way that liberal right-wing policies of the sort Neo-Conservatives favor could be adapted as party platform, but that only exacerbates the wrong.
There are right-wing science fiction writers. They just don't get invited to left-wing science fiction writer political
Re:Well... (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:4, Interesting)
On economic issues, sci-fi writers seem to run the gamut.
Of course, if you want to read some nutty religious-whackjob fantasy stuff, I'm sure you can find that really popular Revelations-inspired fantasy series at Walmart or your favorite local Christian bookstore, if pseudo-religious drivel is up your alley. I guess that's close to being "right wing" sci-fi.
As for what this is doing in politics.slashdot.org, that truly beats the hell out of me.
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:3, Informative)
Actually, I have several books of Niven, and of Niven and Pournelle, and of Pournelle only, and it seems to me that Pournelle is more the right-wing type than Niven.
If you have read Pournelle's monthly columns in Byte, you can gather his right-wing stances from the comments in between too.
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2, Interesting)
Robert Heinlein (Score:2, Informative)
"I wondered why the Titans had not attacked Russia first; Stalinism seemed tailor-made for them. On second thought, I wondered if they had. On third thought I wondered what difference it would make; the people behind the Curtain had had their minds enslaved and parasites riding them for three generati
Re:Robert Heinlein (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
http://www.hatrack.com/ [hatrack.com]
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2, Informative)
"[Orson Scott Card] refers to himself as a Democrat."
Yeah, and my mother refers to herself as '39'.
Self-description is generally inaccurate. In Card's case, there is no doubt whatsoever that his opinions and writings adhere closely to what even an American would call Right Wing. That said, his stories don't leave the tenets of fascism unquestioned, and he invariably uses conscience as a leavening factor in his plots.
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
Starship Troopers is one of my all time favourite books and I found the concept of a "Fair Witness" in "Stanger in a Strange Land" very interesting, even though I didn't enjoy the book all that much.
Starship Troopers and voting (Score:2)
I remember the idea from Starship Troopers where only veterans could claim citizenship. Non-citizens were allowed to live in a country and enjoy all sorts of rights, but they were not allowed to vote. The reason was something along the lines of those willing to put their lives on the line for "the nation" were the only ones worth of having a say in its politics.
Heinlen usually gets credit for being "Libertarian." This veteran-voting thing however is a collectivist nightmare. Let me see if I understand h
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
I've noticed that sci-fi writers cover the political spectrum from liberal to conservative/libertarian, but I would be hard-pressed to identify any as 'right wing'. The far right wing of the conservative movement seems to be dominated by a religious and moral authoritarian movement that seems very opposed to the sort of social explorations that many science fiction writers engage in. Ironic really, considering Bush has
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:4, Interesting)
You might try L. E. Modesitt Jr.; he held a (very minor) post during the Reagan adminstration. Like much of the right (and like Dubya), his characters largely have no qualms about the ruthless use of military force when the solution requires it. In particular, you might consider "The Parafaith War", and moreover it's sequel "The Ethos Effect"-- which can easily be read as simultaneously as strong support for the recent invasion/demolition/whatever of Iraq, and a thorough damnation of the US administration that did it.
On the other hand, while his characters will use force, they tend to make sure it is the absolute last resort, and will accept the consequences if the guess wrong. As an example, were Dubya a major secondary hero in a Modesitt novel, he would indeed have struck unilaterally on the suspicion of WMDs... but when the evidence turned up so thoroughly negative, would have resigned, and agreed to extradition for a trial at the Hague on charges of Conspiracy to Wage an Agressive War.
Also, his characters largely have a respect for the environment that makes a Greenpeace anti-whaling ship look like the crew of the Exxon Valdez; I suspect "Club of Rome" leanings. He also seems to have a distinct bias against religious fanatics of all sorts, exhibited in his Ghost of the Revelator and Parafaith War series, as well as his newest.
On yet another the other hand, his characters seems to have the "most people are morons" attitude I get from the few conservatives I associate with.
On the last limb of this octupoid, I should note that it's may be a mistake to assign the views of a character to an author. He may just be taking an interesting position, not one he agrees with.
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
in Barry Goldwater's 1964 Presidential campaign.
If that don't make you a right-winger, nothing does.
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:3, Insightful)
How about Newt Gingrich? (Score:2)
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
I personally put my left-wing/right-wing dividing line straight on the socialism/capitalism line. If you are capitalist, I co
Re:Does anyone know of... (Score:2)
Let's put it this way: in the Known Universe he and Larry Niven created, the U.S. and Soviet Union (they've been writing for a while) colonize space after the invention of the Alderson Drive. The resulting empire has a monarchy and aristocracy for a government.
Re:Why must they inject their hate of Bush into it (Score:3, Insightful)
Science fiction writers do seem to be overwhelmingly liberal. Given the recent news story about brain differences between liberals and conservatives, the liberals having more empathy, this makes some sense. Writers need empathy to write from different character points of view. Just a theory.
Re:Why must they inject their hate of Bush into it (Score:3, Insightful)
You, sir, are a master of understatement.
Science fiction writers do seem to be overwhelmingly liberal.Given the recent news story about brain differences between liberals and conservatives, the liberals having more empathy, this makes some sense. Writers need empathy to write from different character points of view. Just a theory.
If by "liberal" you mean "open-minded," sure. If you mean "liberal" as "leftie," there ar
OSC homophobic? (Score:3, Interesting)
Criticism != Hate (Score:4, Insightful)
Hmm... maybe I really missed something while skimming the article, but the tone I got was disappointment, not hate. These people seemed to really care about the direction that the US is going. Do we now equate criticism with hate in this country? I think that mentality scares me more about the right-wingers than anything else about them.
Parents will scold their children when they misbehave, but that does not mean that they hate them. They scold them because they love them and they care how they develop. America is still a young country, and it does still do stupid shit -- and will under any party. But we should never let our country get to the point that the citizens cannot condemn the actions of our govenment when it does do something wrong. We citizens are still the stewards of our government.
Re:Criticism != Hate (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, if he really said that, then I think we've found a reason why someone might hate him.
Were we supposed to love Nixon's presidency? Ignore his little flaws, and look on the positive side?
Dude, check it out - the most - MOST - basic tenet of our way of life is the idea that EVERY citizen of this country is expressly granted the right to criticize our government WHENEVER it is seen to be going in the wrong direction.
That's kinda the point of a democracy, dig?
The only people who want to suppress the criticisms of the populace are the people who KNOW that they will be the target of those criticisms. Describing honest political dissent as unAmerican is itself the most unAmerican behavior I can think of.
1984 is the future (Score:3, Insightful)
The war is not meant to be won, it is meant to be continous
Worst analogy ever? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Worst analogy ever? (Score:3, Funny)
Sci-fi ... (Score:2)
what is this
The Past-Future (Score:4, Interesting)
I've found myself liking what I call the "past-future" more. Things like Sky Captain or that animated feature that will come out later this year about a world powered entirely by steam. These kinds of things seem very interesting to me. If you want to make a movie or book about the question on whether or not replacing people's jobs with robots is good or bad, why set it in the distant future? The robots could be powered by nukes, sure, but you could also power them with steam! Or hampsters! Or SOMETHING other than some kind of atomic battery.
The future has been done. It's time to lay off the true future for a while, and look at the alternate futures that won't be. Use what people thought the future would look like in the 1880s, or the 1920s, or something like that. I've seen enough "future of the 1990s/2000s". Show me something different.
Just a thought.
Re:The Past-Future (Score:3, Informative)
If you are referring to the fantasy side of SF, then what you say is very valid. But, at least with the SF writers here, the point of science fiction and their view of the future is to provide a commentary of society today by emphasizing certain issues. Fantasy is about escapism; this sort of SF is about current ideas and provoking thought about our present situation and is really the opposite o
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
And you're right. I was refering to the fantasy side. As you said, the "true future" can be very effective for social commentary and such. But for fantasy it can get boring to see the same thing over and over with only little variations.
Re:The Past-Future (Score:3, Interesting)
That I [imdb.com] agree [imdb.com] completely [imdb.com] with [imdb.com].
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
Well, these predictions should interest you then; they're not saying aliens will kill the earth, they're saying we'll probably have done it before the aliens arrive. =)
Tons of this out there. (Score:2)
Try say, S.M. Stirling's Isle in the Sea of Time triology where Nantucket gets sent to the bronze age, or some of his earlier stuff like the Drakkan series where South Africa conquers a big chunk of the world in the 20th century.
Harry Turtledove would also be another place to look. The Worldwar series about aliens invading in 1942 has come pretty close to present day. His other alternate civil war ending series started earlier so is still a fe
Re:The Past-Future (Score:3, Insightful)
"Singularity, The. The Techno-Rapture. A black hole in the Extropian worldview whose gravity is so intense that no light can be shed on what lies beyond it... There is no clear definition, but usually the Singularity is meant as a future time when societal, scientific and economic change is so fast we cannot even imagine what will happen from our present perspective, and when humanity will become posthumanity."
http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Global/ S ingularity/
There's no way a human can im
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
As for the offtopic comment, yeah. I've been thinking about it for a while but while my comment is relativly OT, this is about the most on-topic I expect my comment to be any time soon so I thought I'd post it before I forgot.
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
Re:The Past-Future (Score:2)
I've been reading science fiction all of my life (Score:2, Interesting)
Guess I've been living under a rock!
Meanwhile, when Vernor Vinge talks about the future, I sit up and listen. Er, read. Whatever.
Re:I've been reading science fiction all of my lif (Score:2)
Re:I've been reading science fiction all of my lif (Score:3, Informative)
Finally, the king, John Shirley. The grandfather of cyb
Re:I've been reading science fiction all of my lif (Score:2)
Legendary? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Legendary? (Score:2)
Can't say I've read anything written by him either, and neither have most of IBLists users, it would seem.
Maybe he is starring in a very small legend?
William Gibson on John Shirley (Score:5, Informative)
John Shirley was cyberpunk's patient zero, first locus of the virus, certifiably virulent. A Carrier. City Come A-Walkin' is evidence of that and more. (I was somewhat chagrined, rereading it recently, to see just how much of my own early work takes off from this one novel.)
Attention, academics: the city-avatars of City are probably the precursors both of sentient cyberspace and of the AIs in Neuromancer and, yes, it certainly looks as though Molly's surgically- implanted silver shades were sampled from City's, the temples of his growing seamlessly into skinstuff and skull. (Shirley himself soon became the proud owner of a pair of gold-framed Bausch & Lomb prescription aviators: Ur- mirrorshades.) The book's near-future, post-punk milieu seems cp to the max, neatly pre-dating Bladerunner.
So this is, quite literally, a seminal work; most of the elements of the unborn Movement swim here in opalescent swirls of Shirley's literary spunk.
That Oregon boy, with the silver glasses.
* * *
That Oregon boy remembered today with a lank forelock of dirty blond, around his neck a belt in some long- extinct mode of patent elastication, orange pigskin, fashionably rotted to reveal cruel links of rectilinear chrome spring: "Johnny Paranoid," convulsing like a galvanized frog on the plywood stage of some basement coffeehouse in Portland. Extraordinary, really. And, he said, he'd been to Clarion.
Was I impressed? You bet!
I met Shirley as I was starting to try to write fiction. Or rather, I had made a start, had abandoned the project of writing, and was shamed back into it by this person from Portland, point-man in a punk band, whose dayjob was writing science fiction. Finding Shirley when I did was absolutely pivotal to my career. He seemed totemic: there he was, lashing these fictions together and propping them in the Desert of the Norm, their hastily-formed but often wildly arresting limbs pointing the way to Other Places.
The very fact that a writer like Shirley could be published at all, however badly, was a sovereign antidote to thesinking feeling induced by skimming George Scithers' Asimov's SF at the corner drugstore. Published as a paperback original by Dell, in July 1980, City Come A-Walkin' came in well below the genre's radar. Set in a "near future" that felt oddly like the present (an effect I've been trying to master ever since), spiked with trademark Shirley obsessions (punk anti-culture, fascist vigilantes, panoptic surveillance systems, modes of ecstatic consciousness), City was less an sf novel set in a rock demimonde than a rock gesture that happened to be a paperback original.
Shirley made the plastic-covered Sears sofa that was the main body of seventies sf recede wonderfully. Discovering his fiction was like hearing Patti Smith's Horses for the first time: the archetypal form passionately re- inhabited by a debauched yet strangely virginal practitioner, one whose very ability to do this at all was constantly thrown into question by the demands of what was in effect a shamanistic act. There is a similar ragged-ass derring- do, the sense of the artist burning to speak in tongues. They invoke their particular (and often overlapping, and indeed she was one of his) gods and plunge out of downscale teenage bedrooms, brandishing shards of imagery as peculiarly-shaped as prison shivs.
Mr Shirley, who so carelessly shoved me toward the writing of stories, as into a frat-party swimming pool. Around him then a certain chaos, a sense of too many possibilitics -- and some of them, always, dangerous: that girlfriend, looking oddly like Tenniel's Alice, as she turned to scream the foulest undeserved abuse at the Puerto Rican stoop-drinkers, long after midnight in Alphabet City, the visitor from Vancouver frozen in utter and horrified disbelief.
"Ignore her, man," J.S. advised the Puerto Ricans, "she's all keyed up."
And, yes, she was. T
Re:Legendary? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Legendary? (Score:2)
Great point (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't know about the historic forms of colonialism appearing "gentle and beneficent", but I think this is a particularly insidious way the developed world can extort from and suppress the developing. Eventually the developed world's fundamentally impalpable IP and financial management of the rest of the world will burst. What will matter in the end is that the manufacturing capacity is in Asia, the cheap farmland and farm labour spread across the third world and the IT solutions in India. Britain lost its position as "workshop of the world" after the 1870s (already happened in the U.S.) and it took only one major war to make it lose its financial centrality (all the U.S. really has left). How long can the developed world as it currently is really hold on to its unnatural domination? Kudus to Doctorow to his very apt parallels between the old and new colonialisms.
Science fiction is about the present (Score:5, Interesting)
In short, science fiction writers have a unique perspective not only on what may happen in the future but what is actually happening right now. So it is very interesting to see what they have to say about a present that is quickly becoming more and more like a science fiction scenario with AIDS, SARS, 9/11, RFID, TIA, ubiquitous computing and ecommunication, etc, etc... Our culture is obsessed with these things so why hasn't Locus done a roundtable like this until now?
Re:Science fiction is about the present (Score:2)
Science Fiction Age used to do this sort of roundtable discussion with sf writers, but they've been dead several years now.
best quote on global government (Score:4, Interesting)
"Then I heard Lenny Bruce say: 'If you want to imagine a world government, think of the whole world run by the phone company and nowhere else to go.' "
I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:5, Interesting)
Bruce Sterling has been pushing the end of US innovation and the collapse of the economy for most of that time.
I know most of those people, more or less, and while I love much of their fiction, I can't think of any one of them that I would consider other than a negative predictor.
If they are all that worried, we must be in pretty good shape.
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Doing something doesnt mean its being done the right way, or for the right purpose. (ie looking for guns on grandma.)
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Think about it, though. Nobody really cares for a story that is all "happy ending". Happy stories only get a blip on the news. It's the tragedies and horror stories that get all the coverage. For whatever reason, it's what people like.
So, an SF writer that writes about utopian worlds that have no problems or strife is not likely to be very popular because the story will probably be very boring.
You can even look at
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
"May you live in interesting times."
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2, Funny)
"NOrman Spinrad has been predicting the end of civilization as we know it, and/or the collapse of the US into fascism, for thirty years that I remember."
[Emphasis mine.]
Okay, so what you're saying is that this guy really hit the nail on the head, right? And saw it coming from a long way off, too.
Thanks for the heads-up. I'm off to the store to buy me some Spinrad books.
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Oh... so you mean the United States isn't rapidly slid
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
Technological decline: Show me where technology is getting harder and harder to obtain. That's technological decline. North Korea is in technological declin
Re:I actually found this kind of reassuring (Score:2)
The Great Geek Hope (Score:2)
Think of it like an inheritance hierarchy of governance where the Object class, the class from which all other Objects inherit their properties, is imbued with precisely those attributes and methods necessary to guarantee that when someone wishes to pursue
So this guy clearly reads Slashdot... (Score:2, Interesting)
On psychohistory (Score:5, Interesting)
At the risk of jumping on him for what might be a comment that has been taken out of context:
That's an interesting way to envision how the unpredictable actions of huge collectives could be predicted: just assume that they will be manipulated by demagogues, and that the demagogues' aims will be obvious from their (necessarily public) rhetoric.
Still, I don't buy it, except over such short timespans that no particular skill is required to make predictions. For example, "bin Ladin Determined to Strike within the United States." What was their first clue? His declaration of war on the US in 1998?
The lessons of the post-Cold-War period are that history is driven as much by chaotic regions like Afghanistan as by tightly controlled ones like North Korea. By definition, events in chaotic regions cannot be predicted.
Another source of chaos is diseases like SARS and AIDS. Just as Chernobyl hastened the end of the USSR, poor government responses to such diseases could result in the collapse (or reform) of those governments. We could quibble about whether a disaster like Chernobyl was or was not predictable in the decaying USSR. We can also debate about whether it's all that important in the grand march of history -- maybe it sped up the collapseof the USSR but not by much. OK, but (for those who credit Reagan for ending the Cold War by playing chicken with the USSR) consider how different history might be, had John Hinckley's aim been a little different.
Control, and predictability, are illusions. At least, to the degree proposed in Foundation. I seem to recall however that Foundation acknowledged the difficulties posed by unruly leaders coming from out of nowhere.
Re:On psychohistory (Score:2)
Yeah, that was the one fatal flaw in The whole Foundation series: the assertion that there could be such a thing as predictable as "psycho-history". The premise that, once you get up to a large enough scale, small errors "cancel out" has been pretty much shown to be exactly not how complex itera
Re:On psychohistory (Score:2)
Chaos theory does not apply to all statistical systems.
And there is precedent for something like psychohistory. Insurance companies, today, can predict exactly how many people will die in automobile accidents this year. They can't tell you WHO will die, but they can tel
Re:On psychohistory (Score:2)
Whilst this is true, you would actually be glad that the system you're studying is found to be chaotic; that means you have more tools to study, describe and extrapolate the system than if it where purely random.
Bruce Sterling gave the SIGGRAPH Keynote this year (Score:4, Insightful)
The highlight of his address was when he claimed that Steve Jobs has cancer because the air isn't clean enough. After that, I basically stopped listening.
John Titor (Score:4, Interesting)
http://johntitor.strategicbrains.com/ [strategicbrains.com]
Apparently he is a time traveller from 30 years in the future who got lost in our time and foretold that in this year, there will be a civil war starting in the states, which would escalate to WW3 until 2011
Well, I don't know what to make of it, but look at today's headlines, so korea set of a nuke. I can see that there are many in the US who are sick of GWB, but without any doubt, through weird 'election policies' and 'political contributions' who can you see as president of the US of A?
John Kerry? Come on, don't kid yourself. We all know the outcome now, what with E-voting and such.
This year is gonna be a fun year if that guy is for real
They should have asked me instead (Score:4, Interesting)
1. I have learned a lot more different viewpoints, and I have learned to appreciate the insight they give.
2. My heart say no to stronger government, but my brain say that it does help against terrorism. Countries with a strong government are much better at preventing terrorism than weak governments. Even though US and EU are they main enemies as defined by the islamic world revolution, after 9/11 most "successful" terrorist actions are done in third world countries.
However, the strength of the government is more closely linked to how free of corruption it is, than to how many secret agents it has. This is why Russian government is weak. Thus, cultivating a free press (to combat corruption) is more important than giving more powers to the secret police. Giving up to much liberty will lead to a weaker government.
3. I hope we in the future will have better models for describing social changes, and that we in the future rather than blaming the past for making mistakes, understand why these mistakes were made.
4. We, in the rich part of the world, are in no serious environmental danger. The climatic changes will not be more catastrophic than we can deal with them. At the local level, the environment has become steadily more healthy in the "rich west" for decades. In the "booming east" the same will start happing soon, as material wealth will lead to a larger concern for the environment. Africa is screwed, environmentally, as in any other way.
5. The current trend is a strong religious and national backslash to the globalisation project, which threatens modernism (civil liberties, democracy, secularity...) as well. Of course, the tide will turn again. Look at Iran for an example, where the teocracy is increasingly out of touch with the young population.
6. I believe stronger international organisations and global wealth will eventually make war an exception. Look at Europe, a continent which has been at war with itself for all of written history. Today, war between the EU members seem impossible, and EU is expanding in a way that is pacifying rather than aggrevating its neighbours. The EU rules for joining requires appicants to settle border conflicts, and to treat minorities within the borders respectfully.
7. In a sense, we already have a world government. It is called WTO. I do not believe we will have a world government in the sense of the national governments, there are too much cultural difference for that. But I can see a pressure for WTO to become more transparent, more democratic, and to take on non-economic considerations affecting trade, such as global enironment. This could lead to a convergence with other transnational organizations, such as UN and the international court.
8. I'm not sure the gap between rich an poor is widening, on a global scale. The biggest economic growth are in China and India, with more than a third of the world population, and both comparable poor countries. I see this trend continuing, and eventually even reach AFrica, which is currently left behind. On a local geographical scala and scort time scale, I see a widening in the rich countries, as the middle and lower classes are pressured by the developing countries, and a scrinking in the developing countries, as the new jobs create a new middle class, which need to be serviced thus improving conditions for the lower class. As long as we manage to handle the population growth (and it can be done), I see the living condition growing for most people, which is more important than the size of the gap.
9. You should have asked about the population growth, how to handle it, and what changes it will cause.
I have no idea who will win the US election. In a sense, it is a small version of the battle mentioned in point 5. Kerry representing modernism, and Bush the religious and natinalist backslash.
Re:They should have asked me instead (Score:2)
"The climatic changes will not be more catastrophic than we can deal with them"
This is mopst likely not true; ask any climatologist...and by that I mean people who have finished their studies, not someone who buggered off after the first year; climate change is here, it's happenening and it is going to catastrophic. That is the general scientific consensus; the only debate is on the
"Today, war between the EU members seem impossible"
I think maybe you missed the f
Re:They should have asked me instead (Score:3, Interesting)
"However, catastrophic is just hyperbole. The best case scenarios are hardly noticeable in the natural variation, and the worst case scenarious are no longer on a threat to civilization scale."
As I said, go talk to some environmental scientists. Catastrophic is not hyperbole, it is an accurate
Analysis (Score:3, Interesting)
Ken Wharton - interesting and intelligent ideas. He is optimisting about our ability to handle the climate change (though he [stupidly] thinks we should have stabilised the population long ago). He seems to understand future technology the most.
Kim Stanley - pretty confused guy
Norman Spinrad - left-winger, hates Bush and the American hegemony, hates Christian fundies
Pat Murphy - panic-monger, less government is good
Cory Doctorow - anti-copyright guy, against more government too, doesn't like high American debt
Bruce Sterling - fascinated by other countries and cultures (as always)
So if you want good SF, I suggest you check out Divine Intervention by Ken Wharton (haven't read it, but it must be good), if you want to have an anti-RIAA circle-jerk*, invite Cory. If you want to whine about Bush*, do it with Norman Spinrad. And if you want to watch some anime or eat sushi, call Bruce.
Some things that the authors agree on:
- More government is probably bad
- too bad we wrecked the environment
- we'll have to deal with the global warming
- war will change shape in the future
- and they don't know who will win the elections.
* - not that I am pro-Bush, pro-copyright or anything, but I don't need a science fiction author for that.
P.S. I just hated the "The world seems dangerously chaotic" comment in the beginning. Yeah, as if it never was. Heck, Toffler wrote about it 25 years ago - everyone in the 21st century will be affected by a desease called "Future shock". Too bad, noone (besides him) realises that it is a desease and that it's irrational and harmful to think this way.
Re:Yeesh... (Score:2)
Re:Sci fi NOT about future (Score:2)
Just curious, do you have a source for this or is that your interpretation? The interesting thing about the society in High Castle was that it flowed from the idea that the other guys had won WWII.
Re:Sci fi NOT about future (Score:2)
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:2)
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:2)
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:2)
Increased range on the malaria mosquito, not to mention nasty Biohazard-4 tropicals.
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:2)
And make the land more habitable for other species. The world changes, species adapt or die, so is life.
Re:All worried about global warming?!? (Score:2)
I personally am not worried about it because nothing will come of it in our generation. Anybody who has kids who might someday have kids might be concerned.
Re:The most important question... (Score:2)
Re:Great work, editors... (Score:2)
Re:Great work, editors... (Score:2)
See Hugh Hewitt's blog [hughhewitt.com]. Hewitt himself is a partisan commentator, no doubt.
But see the emails that he posts, which he received from Professor Cartwright of Rice University.
Given how fast this story is moving, this part of it is almost old news already: the documents are fake.
At this point, the story is shifting to the origin of the documents. To date, some theories have been forwarded, but no smoking guns are in evidence.
My personal view is that these documents are such cheap and tawdry forgeries
Re:Thank God We Have Some Experts in the House (Score:2)
And you write slashdot postings for free, and yet I read your remarks for some reason. What are your credentials anyway? Do I have any reason to accept your compentence at judging the general competence of the average science fiction writer?
Anyway, Alfred Bester once remarked something to the effect that it seemed to him that Science Fiction was one
Re:Thank God We Have Some Experts in the House (Score:2)